In Achilles' Footsteps - Adventures with the Indian Eagle Owl


Product Description

Resident of rocky hills, woody ravines, steep slopes and thorny semi-deserts, the Indian Eagle-Owl (IEO) makes for a difficult research subject. But that has never deterred Eric Ramanujam from staying in pursuit of the bird species, tackling difficult weather conditions, unfavourable terrains, the threat of rock bees and more in the ravines in and around Puducherry. 

It was a chance encounter with a juvenile IEO near Chengalpattu in Tamil Nadu that transformed Eric into a tenant of the ravines, observing for days the IEO seek, bond and raise chicks. In this book, he dwells into the ways of IEO, its prey base, its association with its own and other species, its nesting and breeding ecology. 

Size Small, Medium, Large & Extra Large
Color Read, Blue, Green & Black
Chest 38 inches
Waist 20 cm
Length 35 cm
Fabric Cotton, Silk & Synthetic
Warranty 6 Months
  • July 5, 2015, at 1:20

    Lid est laborum dolo rumes fugats untras. Etharums ser quidem rerum facilis dolores nemis omnis fugats vitaes nemo minima rerums unsers sadips amets. rerum facilis dolores nemis omnis fugats vitaes nemo minima rerums unsers sadips amets.

  • July 5, 2015, at 1:30

    Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo..